About CLIP

Founded in 1986, Chicago Latines in Philanthropy (CLIP) is a professional network of philanthropic individuals, including grantmakers, board trustees, and individual donors in the Chicago metropolitan area.


We envision philanthropy in Chicago elevating Latine voices and cultivating Latine leadership to effectively meet the needs of Latine communities.


We invest in Latine talent and community building and facilitate philanthropic partnerships with Latine communities to enhance local philanthropy’s effectiveness today and in the future. 

In service of our mission, CLIP supports professional development, facilitates knowledge-sharing, and fosters fellowship among its members. We seek to ensure local philanthropy is inclusive of and accountable to the region’s growing Latine communities. 


  • We affirm and promote the value of a diverse, inclusive, and high-capacity talent pool. In pursuit of this, CLIP develops and identifies opportunities for members to augment their skills and knowledge to continue to be effective in their work and be considered top assets in their organizations.

  • CLIP’s diverse and growing membership and individual networks offer philanthropy an opportunity to better understand critical challenges facing Latine communities in our region and to design effective responses. Our programming, available to members and partners, helps amplify issues affecting the Latine community and supports a broader and deeper understanding of opportunities for philanthropy to partner with community in pursuit of solutions.

  • CLIP’s membership draws from all areas and functions of philanthropy. Members can learn from and support each other in their work through opportunities to gather socially, work collaboratively, and think and reflect together.