Advocacy Framework

Our framework is centered around the following principles:

  • We are committed to utilizing our voice as a means to inform our stakeholders and the philanthropic sector about the issues affecting the Latine community. We strive to foster understanding and awareness of the issues affecting our Latine community. 

  • We are committed to elevating the critical issues that can lead to systemic change and sector reform. This is a fundamental part of our advocacy work.

    By challenging the narratives and bringing Latine issues to the forefront, we aim to drive meaningful transformation across the philanthropic sector.

  • We recognize that white supremacy culture has profound impacts on our communities. By addressing these issues and emphasizing Latine concerns concerning land, labor, and imperialism, we aim to effect change at a deeper level.

The criteria that ground our decision-making process when selecting advocacy issues for CLIP to support are based on the following four pillars:

  • Influencing philanthropy

  • Elevating Latine issues

  • Amplifying community-led initiatives

  • Fostering collaborations with affinity partners

our process

Our membership is deeply connected to the challenges and opportunities that impact the Latine community daily. CLIP members can play an active role in shaping our advocacy agenda. We encourage members to share their concerns and insights through CLIP’s Advocacy Issue Request Form, knowing that our advocacy team will carefully review each submission.

To raise an advocacy issue for CLIP, please email to receive the advocacy submission form.